Masters in Counseling Program of Study
The UNC Charlotte’s Master’s Degree in Counseling is CACREP-accredited and consists of 60 credit hours (20 courses). Students complete a combination of core courses, clinical courses, concentration-specific courses, and electives. These include:
- Two counseling skills courses
- Courses in lifespan development, social justice counseling, counseling theories, group counseling, and more
- A practicum course (150 hours in a counseling setting) and two internship courses (each 300 hours in a counseling setting)
Students can specialize in addiction counseling, clinical mental health counseling, or school counseling. They also may elect to add a secondary concentration in play therapy or a certificate in gerontology.

Department of Counseling faculty members serve as advisors to Master’s counseling students and work collaboratively with each student to design a program of study that meets all requirements and aligns with advisees’ preferences for time to completion. These planning worksheets may be useful in the process:
Program of Study (Microsoft Word)
Course Planning by Semester (Microsoft Word)
Courses are offered in Fall (FA), Spring (SP), and/or Summer (SU) as designated.
Sample Program of Study Timeline
Listed below are examples of what a full-time student might anticipate their course timeline to look like. Please note that the courses listed are suggested options, not planned guarantees. The sample timelines are merely an opportunity for students to see what a full-time course schedule could look like.
Upon enrollment, students should consult with their assigned faculty advisor about a specific program of study timeline that fits their circumstances.
*All course offerings are subject to change depending on faculty resources, student needs, and scheduling options*
Sample Addiction Counseling Concentration Timeline
Sample Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration Timeline
Sample School Counseling Concentration Timeline
Required Courses
The Master’s Degree in Counseling includes these Core Courses:
CSLG 6104 | Counseling Across the Lifespan (FA, SP, SU) |
RSCH 6101 | Educational Research Methods (FA, SP,SU) |
RSCH 6109 | Assessment and Evaluation Methods (FA, SP, SU) |
CSLG 6100 | Theories of Counseling* (FA,SU) |
CSLG 6101 | Ethical and Professional Issues in Counseling* (FA, SU) |
CSLG 6110 | Counseling Techniques* (FA, SP) |
CSLG 6111 | Advanced Counseling Techniques (FA, SP, SU) |
CSLG 6120 | Group Counseling (FA, SP) |
CSLG 6145 | Multicultural & Social Justice Counseling* (FA, SP, SU) |
CSLG 6150 | Career Development and Counseling (SP, SU) |
*Required prior to Practicum in Counseling
The Master’s Degree in Counseling includes these clinical courses:
CSLG 7430 | Practicum in Counseling (FA, SP) (150 hours) |
CSLG 7435 | Internship I (FA, SP, SU) (300 hours) |
CSLG 7435 | Internship II (FA, SP, SU) (300 hours) |
The School Counseling Concentration includes these courses:
CSLG 7141 | The Professional School Counselor* (FA) |
CSLG 7646 | Advocacy & Leadership in Professional School Counseling (SP) |
CSLG 7140 | Consultation in School Counseling (SU, FA) |
The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration includes these courses:
CSLG 7170 | Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling* (FA, SU) |
CSLG 6153 | Diagnosis & Treatment in Counseling (SP, SU) |
CSLG | One Addictions Elective |
The Addiction Counseling Concentration includes these courses:
(See when courses are offered, one course per semester, except summer)
CSLG 7170 | Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling* (FA, SU) |
CSLG 6153 | Diagnosis & Treatment in Counseling (SP, SU) |
Four Addiction Courses and Completion of the Internship I & II experience in an Addiction Counseling Facility/Location. | |
CSLG 6160 | Theories of Addiction** (FA) |
CLSG 6161 | Assessment/Diagnosis of Addictive Disorders** (SP) |
CSLG 6162 | Interventions in Addiction Counseling** (SU 1) |
CSLG 6163 | Treatment Planning and Relapse Prevention in Addiction Counseling** (SU 2) |
CSLG 6164 | The McLeod Institute on Addiction (Pre-SU 1) |
**Courses required for Addictions Counseling Concentration
The Play Therapy Concentration requires the following courses:
(Note: The Play Therapy Concentration is completed in addition to a primary degree concentration, such as School Counseling or Clinical Mental Health Counseling)
Required: | |
CSLG 7142 | Intro to Play Therapy (FA, SP, SU) |
In addition, select 2 of these 3: | |
CSLG 7143 | Child-Centered Relationship Training: An Approach for Training Parents/Caregivers/Teachers (SP) |
CSLG 7144 | Contemporary Theories of Play Therapy (FA) |
CSLG 7147 | Multicultural & Social Justice Issues in Play Therapy (hybrid, FA) |
Elective | To be approved by Director of Play Therapy Concentration |
CSLG 7148 CSLG 7145 | Expressive Arts through the Lifespan (SU 2) Special Topics in Play Therapy (e.g. Conference (hybrid, Pre-SU II); Expressive Arts) |
Course above not selected or approved by Director of PT program |
Note: Courses outside your concentration (e.g., CSLG 6153, CSLG 6164) can be used as an elective.
Students in the School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling concentrations are required to complete four electives. Students in the Addiction Counseling concentration are required to complete one elective. Possible electives vary by semester, but routinely offered electives are listed below.
CSLG 6000(Topics Vary) | Expressive Arts across the Lifespan (SU)Trauma in Counseling (SU) |
CSLG 6201 | Counseling Needs of Women (Alternate SP, even years) |
CSLG 6205 | Counseling Older Adults (SU) |
CSLG 7142 | Introduction to Play Therapy (FA, SP, SU) |
CSLG 7146 | Counseling Adolescents (SU) |
CSLG 7600 | Sexual Orientation Diversity in Clinical Practice (Alternate SP, odd years) |
CSLG 7601 | Counseling & Spirituality (SP) |
CSLG 7680 | Crisis Counseling (FA,SU) |
CSLG 7681 | Grief & Loss Counseling (FA) |